Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mommy Bird, Daddy Bird

I usually only post the insane things my kids do. But not today.

When I drop off Oscar at school, there is a "Question of the Day" for the kids to answer with their parent before the parent leaves. Yesterday it was "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Now, Oscar does a lot of pretend play - he's a plumber, a mechanic, a mommy bird or a princess, but we don't talk about what he wants to be when he grows up. It's honestly never come up. So, he didn't know how to answer and that makes him shy. He slinked next to me and quietly said, "I don't know what to do" as other classmates loudly announced what they were going to be: "Astronaut!" and "Yoshi!" (I don't know what that is, but it was one girl's answer). So I said quietly to Oscar, "That's OK, you don't have to know. But sometimes you tell me that you want to be a Daddy. Would you like that to be the answer today?" And he lit up, "Yes, Mommy, yes! I want to be a Daddy!"

Monday, January 31, 2011

Not Even Ice Cream, People

"If you make me rest on this couch, I'm not going to like you, or Daddy... or the baby! Not even ice cream," Oscar informed me this weekend.

And by "informed," I mean "yelled at the top of his lungs" when I was five feet away. I mean, not even ice cream, people. This is a seriously unhappy three year old. It's my fault, of course. I was torturing him with fifteen minutes of forced rest on the couch. He could read or play quietly, but had to stay on the couch for fifteen minutes because his behavior had gottne so insufferably cranky. He almost fell asleep. But he rallied, and his rallying cry was just so good. I had to share it with you all.

Not even ice cream!