Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Just a Warning: This One is About Poop

Until recently we've been using a little toilet for Oscar - one that sits on the floor of the bathroom and must be cleaned out after every use. Last week I switched to a potty ring that sits on the adult sized toilet (and requires no cleanup!). However Oscar is used to sitting on the ground where he can stand up, look inside the potty and check on his progress, especially when he is pooping. He likes to identify the various sized and shaped poops, usually as either a snake or little balls. So, a few days ago he's sitting on the big potty and he is working on a poop. He asks me excitedly if it looks like a snake. I say we'll have to wait and look inside when he's all done. He finishes. We look inside to see several small lumps. Oscar quickly identifies it: "it's a family!"

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